Natural Duraflame Fire Logs - 6 PK

Natural Duraflame® Fire Logs.
The biggest brightest.
4 Hour* log.
USDA Certified Biobased Product.
Product 100%.
America's #1 Fire Log Brand™.
100% Renewable resources.
Burns up to 4 hours*
Fast lighting.
Bigger brighter flames.
Burns cleaner than wood.
*Variations in fireplace and climatic conditions may slightly alter duration of burn.
Start Something Good®.
Lights fully in less than 5 minutes.
Classified. C UL® US.
See details on UL classification marking on enclosed products.
San Francisco bay area AQMD Air Quality Advisory (Nov-Feb).
Use of this and other solid fuels may be restricted at times by law.
Please check 1-877-4NO-BURN or before burning. CSIA. Chimney safety institute of America.
Accepted Product™.
When used according to the manufacturer's instructions, this product is accepted by the Chimney Safety Institute of America.
For improved safety and home heating efficiency, CSIA recommends that all chimneys and vented appliances be inspected every year by a CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep®.
For a list of qualified sweeps in your area, please visit or write to 2155 Commercial Drive, Plainfield, IN 46168.
Made form 100% Renewable resources.
Duraflame fire logs are made with a 100% Renewable blend of wax and recycled biomass fibers†. No petro-chemicals are used.
†Patented. For information, visit:
Burns cleaner than wood.
Duraflame fire logs light faster and burn more completely than firewood, and because far less material is in consumed when burning a fire log, significantly fewer pollutants are emitted than a comparable wood fire.
80% Less fine particles**.
75% Less carbon monoxide**.
90% Less hazardous air pollutants**.
**Source: Dec 2005 Environment Canada/US EPA reg. 5 "Content and emission characteristics of artificial wax firelogs".
Saves trees.
Duraflame fire logs use only recycled wood and agricultural fibers, saving valuable natural resources. A Duraflame fire log consumes 80% less material than a comparable 3-4 hour wood fire, and burning fire logs instead of wood results in significantly fewer trees cut down for use as firewood.
This box is SFI certified.
Sustainable forestry initiative.
Certified sourcing.
This corrugated fiberboard has an edge crush test of not less than 32#.
International paper.
Memphis, TN.
Corrugated recycles.
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