Margaret Holmes Seasoned Collard Greens

Margaret Holmes® Seasoned Collard Greens. Great Taste Since 1838. Heat-n-serve. Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce your risk of heart disease, a disease associated with many factors. Heart healthy. No cholesterol. May reduce your risk of heart disease. Website fact #38 did you know One steel can that is recycled saves the energy equivalent to the amount used for one load of laundry. A Southern Grown Family Tradition: When the McCall family started farming in 1838, they were determined to grow the highest quality produce in South Carolina. For more than 150 years since, McCall Farms has meant down-home goodness. From our kitchen to yours, we bring a taste of quality - a taste of home. Margaret would like to especially thank you for your patronage. Cans: Infinitely Recyclable™. Low carbs. Want to know more Check out our all-new web site! Recipes, meal ideas, canned food facts... For questions or comments please email us at: or call 1-800-277-2012.